Join us for the Avery Ranch Annual Independence Day Celebration on July 3rd, 2019.

The fireworks show originates from the golf course at 10500 Avery Club Dr Austin, TX 78717 starting around 9:00 PM. The fireworks show typically lasts 20-25 minutes.

Avery Ranch #1 Listing Agent


The best location to view the Avery Ranch Fireworks show is from the Avery Ranch Main Amenity Center (the large pool in the Morningside section of the neighborhood) located at 10121 Morgan Creek Dr (corner of Avery Ranch Blvd and Morgan Creek Dr).

The fireworks can be seen from inside the pool area or from the surrounding park.

  • Where: Best viewing area is from the Avery Ranch Main Amenity Center at 10121 Morgan Creek Dr
  • When: Fireworks begin…

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When a home is inspected the inspector checks what’s called the differential. This is the difference in the temperature between the return and supply. 

Your AC can feel like it’s working perfectly but the differential can be outside of the inspector’s tolerance possibly indicating a problem. On the inspection report there will be a notation that “AC unit is not functioning properly. Recommend a licensed HVAC company inspect the system.”

If your home is over 5 years old and you’re selling your home to a first time homebuyer that can be enough to cause a panic. Worst case you may be opening yourself up to having an inspection done by a HVAC company that also sells systems and may be more likely to recommend a new HVAC unit.

Perhaps the differential…

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