When you interview a listing agent for your home it is important to find out if they have a listing strategy. Often, an agent will stick a sign in your yard, put your home on the MLS and pray to the real estate Gods that your home will sell. Having a detailed marketing strategy and experience selling in the Austin area will help you sell your home for more money and less hassle.

At Kopa Real Estate, we have a proven listing strategy developed over selling nearly 100 homes in the Austin area. Our strategy is so detailed we even know what the best day and time is to start showing your home and when the coming soon marketing should start.

Having a comprehensive marketing system will create demand and a sense of urgency when selling your home.…

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Many people think the only time you can sell your home is in the spring and early summer. The expectation is we have a flood of people from California moving to our area in the summer.

It might surprise you that our neighborhood isn’t as seasonal as you think. Of the last 50 listings we have sold in the Austin area, only 4 were sold to someone directly relocating their family to our area.

Although our population is growing rapidly from people moving here from all over the world it’s more likely the buyer of your home is already living nearby before buying your home. Sometimes buyers decide to rent an apartment first so they may be living in an apartment down Parmer. It’s also just as likely the buyer of your home already lives in the Austin area…

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We’ve been lucky over the years to sell some beautiful homes in the Austin area. 10608 Roy Butler Dr is definitely one of my favorites with a pool and panoramic views of the golf course, Brushy Creek Trail and Lake.

Because of the views when we met with the owners we knew should be priced aggressively. The list price was significantly over any of the comparable homes that have sold. In fact the list price was over $100,000 more than any home has ever sold for in the Austin area.

One of the reasons this listing is one of my favorites is because of the owners. They are experienced real estate sellers and knew to get their price it was important for their home to be in excellent condition. They were willing to take all our advice including bringing…

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The saddest part of my job is watching some homebuyers make the same mistakes over and over. Because we do so many open houses I see some of the same people visiting for years. Many of these buyers are so focused on trying to negotiate a rebate from their Realtor they aren’t concentrating on the 2 things they should care about. Many buyers get so caught up in trying to save $2,000 it has cost them $20,000 due to market appreciation and higher interest rates.

The first thing homebuyers should care about is not missing out on a great home. You want to be the first person to know when a home is coming on the market and be the first to see it in person. An increasing number of home sellers are choosing to either sell their home before it becomes active in…

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Whenever I look at the real estate market statistics I like to pick out a few interesting things you might not know simply by looking at the numbers.

It is often difficult for me to explain how dollars per square foot works when trying to price real estate. Sometimes homeowners with beautiful homes will want to take the average $/SF and multiply that by the size of their home and then add their upgrades. In reality, when using the $/SF statistic for all of Austin, the numbers will skew more based on size than condition of the home.

A great example of this is the home in Austin that sold for the highest $/SF was also the smallest home and the home that sold for the lowest price. It is counterintuitive that your home which is likely much nicer and…

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YES, an open house will help sell your home. 72% of our homes have sold to a buyer who visited an open house.

Sometimes that means a buyer who visits the home only during the open house. It can also mean someone who came to view your home with their agent and wants to come back for a 2nd look. Other times a buyer attends an open house and then wants to come back with their agent.

One of the many things that make Austin real estate different from other areas is half the buyers are not committed to working with a real estate agent until the find a home they want to buy. If you don’t have an open house you are missing out on half the buyers in the area. Not having an open house means not fully exposing your home to the market.

Because we have…

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