It’s only January and we are already seeing hand-wringing in our neighborhood about property taxes and the companies that will protest on your behalf. Protesting your property taxes in Williamson and Travis Counties will be even more challenging this year.

Just a reminder, if you engaged one of the tax protesting companies last year you probably signed a form giving them authorization to protest for you every year. That means if your plans are to protest on your own this year or you plan to hire a different company you will want to cancel the service with the company you previously hired. Otherwise they will protest on your behalf and you will get billed if they are successful.

Something new this year is at least one of the protesting…

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I’ve attended a couple interesting economic updates in the last few weeks and I wanted to share a few of the interesting and perhaps unexpected slides.

Can you believe the average household income for 20% of the people in our area is now almost $250,000, and that is from 2017? Many people talk about the rush of Californians to our area and how that is causing home prices to go up. This demonstrates it’s not just the number of people but also that many of those transplants have higher incomes than residents who have been living here for years.

Where we have seen this impact real estate is prices are being pushed up as our real estate is still affordable for someone earning this type of income.  In addition, more buyers are skipping the…

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Home values are tricky at this time of the year. 2020 is going to be challenging to both buyers and sellers with a low number of homes for sale and prices going up. If you are planning to buy or sell a home in particular at this time of year you deserve to have an expert Broker helping you and here’s why.

If you are selling a home, you’re at risk of pricing your home too low. Particularly if you sell your home off market. Although our market is not as seasonal as you might expect for certain floor plans that may not sell very often there may be much more demand than supply that has built up a backlog of buyers over the winter. It is important to work with a Broker that won’t just price your home based on what sold almost a year ago. You…

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