How To Attract The Emotional Buyer

If you ask me why so many home sellers hire us when they decided to sell my answer would be simple. When it comes to selling your home the price you receive comes down to whether or not you are trying to attract a buyer buying based on emotion or based on logic.

The buyer buying based on emotion will always pay the most for your home. What we have done is come up with a repeatable and market proven system to attract and appeal to the emotional buyers in our area.

Sellers who understand the difference have great success. Sellers who try to use logic often wind up frustrated because the real estate market and buyers don’t react the way a logical mind hopes.

One of the many ways we add value to our…

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The first week of January I went to Orlando for a marketing conference. On the flight home the passenger next to me was saying he expected 2020 to be a great year. He said all the economic trends were going to keep getting better and better. I agreed but also mentioned the problem with trends is they tend to continue until something unexpected happens.

Of course, if I truly had any idea what was going to happen I would have been able to capitalize on it and I would be writing this from my own private Caribbean island. If we have learned anything in the first 6 months it is that our crystal balls are usually a little bit fuzzier than we would like.

Some of the things we have learned this year are…

  • Our real estate market is resilient. Our…

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Kopa Real Estate does not have any details for 2020. For more information contact

Join us on Sunday, July 3, 2019 for the Avery Ranch Annual Independence Day Celebration.

The fireworks show originates from the golf course at 10500 Avery Club Dr Austin, TX 78717 starting around 9:00 PM. The fireworks show typically lasts 20-25 minutes.

Avery Ranch #1 Listing Agent


The best location to view the Avery Ranch Fireworks show is from the Avery Ranch Main Amenity Center (the large pool in the Morningside section of the neighborhood) located at 10121 Morgan Creek Dr (corner of Avery Ranch Blvd and Morgan Creek Dr).

The fireworks can be seen from inside the pool area or from the surrounding park.

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Almost every day someone calls me to ask about the market. They tell me they’ve been planning to relocate for a new job, move up to a bigger home or even downsize. Usually the conversation starts with “Am I crazy to even think about selling my home right now?”

Most people are shocked when I say “Would you believe we are in a stronger seller’s market than we were a year ago?” The overall statistics for April and May are ugly. That’s in the past as sellers removed their homes from the market and buyers cancelled contracts. These charts show the supply and demand statistics demonstrating fewer active listings and more homes under contract compared to the same weekly figures from one year ago. If you want to gauge where the market is going you…

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Most of our friends and clients are pretty savvy and can sniff out when something sounds too good to be true. When a friend saw another Realtor’s advertisement guaranteeing multiple offers, he asked me how someone can do that and what’s the catch?

When you hear someone say they will get you multiple offers you probably imagine that means your home will sell for over asking price. What would you think if it really means you will get multiple low-ball offers below market value? I can’t tell what you would think, but when I explained what is really going to happen my friend felt like the advertising is misleading.

Guaranteeing multiple offers is pretty easy. In fact, any Realtor can guarantee you multiple offers.

Here’s how it works…

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