Your Property Tax Value Is LOW!
Posted by Eric Peterson on
Your property tax value is low. I’m Eric Peterson, Owner of Kopa Real Estate. I have good news and bad news depending on how you look at it. Just before you received your 2022 property tax assessment, we already sold a house for $268,000 more the 2022 assessment. To put it in perspective that’s a 38% increase over the 2022 value and we have another home under contract for 42% over the 2022 tax value…and we are only in the first week of April.
That means 3 important things to you right now.
#1. Here’s the good news. Your home is worth a lot more than the tax value and more than you think. If your first thought when you opened your notice of value is that you could never sell your home for that much you will be surprised. Chances are you can…
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