The popular statistic of the day is Austin’s population is growing at 110 people every day.

Brian Kelsey, the founder of Civic Analytics, a company in Austin that researches and analyzes data spoke at the 2014 Austin Board of Realtors Realty Round Up. Analyzing federal income tax returns Mr. Kelsey determined there are actually 201 people moving to the Austin metroplex each day. But, the 147 people who move out of our area every day offset that number. That leaves us with a net population growth of around 54 people every day.

The Austin area is still growing fast but perhaps not quite as fast as some of the statistics would lead you to believe.

If you are planning to be one of the 201 moving here in the future please call or text me at 512-791-7473 or email me at and I would be happy to help you find a great place to call home.

Posted by Eric Peterson on
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