What It Means And What It Doesn’t Mean

A newspaper article about realtors coming to a settlement about how Americans buy and sell homes.

By now I’m sure you’ve heard that the National Association of Realtors announced a proposed settlement to address the broker compensation lawsuits that have popped up across the country. The settlement has generated a lot of media attention and unfortunately a lot of what has been reported is misleading so I wanted to give an explanation of what has happened.

Before I even start, this is a proposed settlement that still needs court approval and none of the changes will go into effect until July at the earliest. However, I do expect it will be approved whether in this format or something similar and we are already putting systems into place to guide our clients through any possible changes and give you the…

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Almost every day I get calls or have people attend our seminars thinking they can’t sell their house because of what they are hearing in the news. I assure you we are still helping people like you sell their homes and If what you are hearing has stopped you from making a move contact us to talk about your plans. Many people have benefited this year from scheduling a buying power and home improvement audit. I’ve found that even if what I tell them isn’t what they want to hear it allows them to make better decisions and move forward with their life. I’m not saying it’s easy but in the end our clients always say it’s worth it to move on to a better place.

Who Is Moving Right Now?

One of our recent clients were the original owner of their home. They…

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Lance Lambert, real estate editor at Fortune Magazine, called Austin the most interesting real estate market in America.

Prices went up like a rocket and came back to earth, but still up 43% since March 2020. Some people can’t get over missing out on timing the market. The truth is few people did because even those who sold at the top had to buy in the same market at the top.

If I told you in March 2020 your home would be worth 43% more in 3 years you would have been over the moon happy about that. If you’ve allowed yourself to get stuck because you missed out on the peak perhaps a change in perspective to thinking about how much better off you are than 3 years ago will help you get unstuck. Otherwise using 2021 and early 2022 as your baseline…

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After 497 people told me they were going to wait to move until the market is good again, I realized I wasn’t doing a good job. 

You see, I am a “Professional Mind Maker Upper” and people count on me to consult with them so they can make the best decisions for their lives and their families. There’s a saying “Garbage in and garbage out” meaning if you don’t use accurate information, you won’t make good decisions. I was letting people use bad information without taking the time to ask more questions and explain some of the data that’s available about the real estate market. 

I have to give myself a little grace here because I haven’t gotten much sleep lately and I’ve changed a lot of diapers over the last few months so it’s possible I simply…

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I'm primarily a listing agent so I'm seeing buyers every weekend at our open houses. I'm also talking to agents and I'm seeing the offers that they put in every day. These are the four mistakes that I'm seeing buyers make in March of 2023.

Making Bad Offers

The first mistake I'm seeing is putting in “bad offers”. What I mean by that is a lot of buyers are out there and they're thinking they're going to make low offers. And you know what? A lot of sellers are actually negotiable right now.

Sellers are willing to come down on their price if they see that it's a good deal and you're a solid buyer. However, I've noticed that many buyers are submitting offers at a low price with unfavorable terms that are unrealistic to both myself as a listing…

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Because we have a market-proven system to sell investment properties that have always been a good portion of our business. This year we have been contacted by an unusually large number of investors who are considering selling their investment property. Some of the investors think the market is nearing a top while others have decided being a landlord isn’t for them. If you are thinking about selling your investment property here are a few questions to ask yourself.

Do you want to be a landlord?

I believe successful investors enjoy owning investment properties and they run their investment properties like a business. If you don’t enjoy some of the negative aspects of owning rental properties such as dealing with tenants or having to lease a…

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One of the neighborhood events I look forward to is the semi-annual Avery Ranch garage sale. This event happens in both the spring and the fall. The Spring 2022 Avery Ranch garage sale will take place on Saturday, April 30th, 2022 from 7AM-1PM.

With almost 4,000 homes in the neighborhood there will be plenty of homes selling items. This is a great opportunity to find clothes, toys, bikes and furniture.

If you are having a garage sale at your home feel free to leave your address and a list of items you are selling in the comment section below.

One piece of advice is to get started early. Cars will be lined up at 7AM and the great items will sell right away.

We are Avery Ranch homeowners and real estate experts. If you are interested in…

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65 offers for 1 home! In this Austin housing market update we’re going to talk about how to get 65 offers on your home, the most recent real estate statistics for Austin, Texas, rising interest rates and what all this means for you as a buyer or seller of real estate in the Austin area.

First, let’s review the statistics for the January, 2022 Austin real estate housing market.

The number of homes sold in January, 2022 was 2,116 which was down 11.83% from 2,400 sales in January, 2021.

The average sold price in January, 2022 was $578,554 which was up 25.84% from $459,760 in January, 2021.

The average sold price per square foot in January, 2022 for Austin was $292.83 which was up 26.3% from $231.72 in January, 2021.

The median sold…

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Because the real estate market has become so competitive many buyers are waiving the right to terminate the contract based on the lender’s appraisal. The appraisal is typically done after the buyer’s termination period has ended. If you are waiving your appraisal contingency you will not be able to terminate the contract and receive a refund of your earnest money if the home appraises for less than the sales price. If you are waiving this contingency here is an explanation of how that might affect the amount of money you will need for a down payment.

Please let us know if you have any questions before making an offer on any property.


Contract price $400,000

Appraised value $380,000

If the home appraised value was…

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Hi Austin area homeowners. I’m Eric Peterson Broker of Kopa Real Estate. Let’s review the most recent Austin real estate statistics.

In September there were 3,437 homes sold which is down 10% from last year.

The average sold price was up 22.7% from last year but down 2% from August.

The median price was $463,000, up 34.2% from last year but down 5% from August.

The average sold price to original list price was 101.4%. That means homes were selling on average for 1.4% over list price.

The average days on the market is 16 days, still down considerably from last year at 39 days but up 2 days from August.

Overall homes are still selling fast and we are still in a strong sellers’ market although not quite…

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