What It Means And What It Doesn’t Mean

A newspaper article about realtors coming to a settlement about how Americans buy and sell homes.

By now I’m sure you’ve heard that the National Association of Realtors announced a proposed settlement to address the broker compensation lawsuits that have popped up across the country. The settlement has generated a lot of media attention and unfortunately a lot of what has been reported is misleading so I wanted to give an explanation of what has happened.

Before I even start, this is a proposed settlement that still needs court approval and none of the changes will go into effect until July at the earliest. However, I do expect it will be approved whether in this format or something similar and we are already putting systems into place to guide our clients through any possible changes and give you the…

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 Ever since the beginning of the year when the inventory of homes reached an all-time low we have been noticing an important pattern with the homes we are selling. Homes that have some type of condition that in a normal market would have sold at a significant discount are selling for record prices right now. This is one of the few times in real estate you may be able to time the market.

Although the inventory of homes is increasing, we are still in a strong seller’s market which means buyers don’t have many choices. Motivated buyers who would pass over a home if they had 3 other homes to choose from are paying market price for these homes in today’s market.

Many of our savvy investor clients are taking advantage of this market and selling…

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One morning last September I received a call from the Arlington, VA police department informing me that my aunt passed away. Although she was 82 it was pretty unexpected because I spoke with her only a few days before then and she seemed to be doing great.

My aunt was one of the earliest women to receive a law degree from Georgetown University and had a distinguished career working for the US Customs Office. Right until the end her mind was sharp as ever.

For years I had been encouraging her to sell her home and move into one of the independent living options nearby because in my opinion she would have benefited from being around more people. Understandably my aunt was set in her ways and wanted to remain on her own until the end.


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How To Attract The Emotional Buyer

If you ask me why so many home sellers hire us when they decided to sell my answer would be simple. When it comes to selling your home the price you receive comes down to whether or not you are trying to attract a buyer buying based on emotion or based on logic.

The buyer buying based on emotion will always pay the most for your home. What we have done is come up with a repeatable and market proven system to attract and appeal to the emotional buyers in our area.

Sellers who understand the difference have great success. Sellers who try to use logic often wind up frustrated because the real estate market and buyers don’t react the way a logical mind hopes.

One of the many ways we add value to our…

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Can You Sell Your Home In The Fall? You Can This Year!

Every year I keep track of trends and make notes to avoid making the same mistakes again. Last year I made a note that sellers needed to have their homes priced to sell by the end of July. Even though our market isn’t as seasonal as you might expect we can’t blame buyers for wanting to take a break and get out for a last summer vacation when it’s 105 degrees.

This year has been different. We have never seen the amount of traffic at our listings, the number of buyers visiting open houses and the offers from motivated buyers in Augusts as we did this year. Perhaps it’s simply supply and demand or buyers are motivated by the drop in interest rates this year. Whatever the reason, based on the…

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When the owners of 15909 Dink Pearson Ln called us they were concerned about the price we could get for their home because there had been several recent sales nearby for much lower prices. Because home prices in our area can vary based on unique criteria of each home it is important when pricing your home you work with a Realtor who has experience selling homes here. Everyone has access to data but there is a huge difference between data and knowledge.

After reviewing the market and what our experience told us about the market the owners trusted our suggested list price. The owners also believed in our proven marketing system that exposes our listings to the maximum number of buyers. Our marketing system gives us the best chance to…

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Owning investment property can be a great way to build long term wealth. For the right person becoming a real estate investor can be an enjoyable and profitable experience.

We often talk with homeowners who are considering renting or selling their home. We also talk with many people who have rented their home for one year and after that have decided to sell.

Over the years we have found some homeowners who decide to rent their home do not realize some of the expenses they will incur when converting an owner occupied home into an investment property.

If you are trying to make this decision for yourself here are a few things you may want to think about. As always you should consult a tax professional to go over your specific situation.

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Property tax appraisal values have been mailed out in Williamson County. I have seen a lot of questions about protesting property taxes because the values we have received from the Williamson County Appraisal District (WCAD.org) have gone up significantly again this year. 

I just lowered my property tax appraised value from $402,874 to $367,011 (if I choose to accept that value) in 2 minutes without leaving my home. You may not get the same result but it’s worth a shot and I thought I would pass on some tips that might help you.

I used to think the process to protest my property taxes was confusing. Then I figured out the tax office has a system and by following directions it has been much easier for me.

This isn’t intended to get you a below…

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This adorable Pfugerville cottage in the Heatherwilde neighborhood will be listed for sale on May 15, 2015. Listed for only $150,000 you won’t see many homes offering this much value in our area. The large master bedroom is privately located on the 2nd floor away from the other bedrooms. 2 bedrooms and another full bath are located on the main floor. A 2 car detached garage is located just behind the home.

There are many upgrades in this home including recent ceramic tile in the living room and updated ceiling fans in all the bedrooms. The water heater and dishwasher have both recently been replaced. HVAC was replaced in 2004 and new shingles were put on the home in 2006.

The refrigerator conveys.

We will be holding an OPEN HOUSE on…

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