Found 3 blog entries tagged as interest rates.


A musician is playing a red electric guitar on stage. The scene is lit with vibrant red and blue stage lights, highlighting the musician's black leather jacket and the guitar's sleek design.

I’m not talking about the classic 80’s song from the London band The Clash.


Instead, this is a question I get asked by homeowners 2-3 times per week. For the most part it’s not a real estate question, but I thought I would share some of the things I would think about if I were asking that question myself.


The Part That Is A Real Estate Question


If you ask me if you should stay or go, I think what you’re really asking is if you decide to move today and sell your home will you miss out on a huge home price appreciation that’s coming right around the corner.


It’s understandable to have some anxiety about that because who would want to miss out on you home being worth 20% more next year?


Nobody would like to…

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Almost every day I get calls or have people attend our seminars thinking they can’t sell their house because of what they are hearing in the news. I assure you we are still helping people like you sell their homes and If what you are hearing has stopped you from making a move contact us to talk about your plans. Many people have benefited this year from scheduling a buying power and home improvement audit. I’ve found that even if what I tell them isn’t what they want to hear it allows them to make better decisions and move forward with their life. I’m not saying it’s easy but in the end our clients always say it’s worth it to move on to a better place.

Who Is Moving Right Now?

One of our recent clients were the original owner of their home. They…

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If you have been shopping for a home there are 3 important things you should know about mortgage interest rates today.

Fed Raised Rates And Mortgage Rates Went Down

You probably heard the Federal Reserve raised interest rates .75% in July. The Federal Reserve does not control mortgage interest rates. It seems counterintuitive, but when the Fed raised their rates mortgage interest rates actually went down. Mortgage interest rates had been over 6% back in June. As of August 2nd, we were seeing quotes for 30 Year Conventional rates near 5%.

Jumbo Rates Are Lower Than Conventional Rates

In the Austin area the loan limit for Conventional mortgages is $647,200. If you are borrowing more than that you would be getting a “Jumbo” mortgage.…

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