Found 82 blog entries tagged as kopa real estate.

When it’s time to move you might think about renting your home Because we sell so many homes that were turned into rental properties, we’ve gathered insight into some of the things homeowners don’t think about before converting an owner occupied home into a rental property.

Do You Want To Be A Landlord?

I’m always willing to help anyone I’m always willing to help anyone look at the rent vs sell figures so you can make the best decision for yourself. But before we get that far I will ask you if you really want to be a landlord and if you didn’t own the home would you buy it as an investment property.

I will also ask “Do you like working with people? What will you do when the rent is late? Would you be willing to evict someone? How will you…

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A musician is playing a red electric guitar on stage. The scene is lit with vibrant red and blue stage lights, highlighting the musician's black leather jacket and the guitar's sleek design.

I’m not talking about the classic 80’s song from the London band The Clash.


Instead, this is a question I get asked by homeowners 2-3 times per week. For the most part it’s not a real estate question, but I thought I would share some of the things I would think about if I were asking that question myself.


The Part That Is A Real Estate Question


If you ask me if you should stay or go, I think what you’re really asking is if you decide to move today and sell your home will you miss out on a huge home price appreciation that’s coming right around the corner.


It’s understandable to have some anxiety about that because who would want to miss out on you home being worth 20% more next year?


Nobody would like to…

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By Eric Peterson

Since real estate is really a 10 month a year business, we are halfway through the year and I thought it would be good to give you a quick update. 

As I write this, we have 7 homes listed for sale that are under contract. I’m optimistic, but things are not easy. More than ever when someone asks me “How’s the market?” My answer is DOTS…Depends On The Situation. 

There are some neighborhoods and homes that are selling quickly while others don’t seem to have much activity at all. 

There are also two types of buyers in the market right now. Buyers who want to buy and can buy and buyers who want to buy but can’t buy. This is why we are still seeing large turnouts at our open houses and a high number of online views for our…

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Modern pendant lighting in kitchen to enhance home appeal and resale value.

When it comes to selling a home, it’s crucial to present it in a way that appeals to a broad range of potential buyers. Although personal preferences and social media trends can play a role in home decor, it’s important to remember that what’s fashionable today might not be as popular tomorrow. If you’re working with sellers, our expert stagers, Joyce and Linda, here at Kopa Real Estate, recommend focusing on timeless design choices that can significantly boost the resale value of their property.

Key Points to Consider
  • Avoid Personal Decor: While you might be fond of pastel-colored sofas or scalloped furniture, these styles can turn off buyers. Recommend storing such items during showings.
  • Stick to Classic Design: Opt for neutral color…

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Eric Peterson, owner of Kopa Real Estate, holding up us letter from Williamson County about his property taxes.

If you are protesting your property taxes here are a few quick tips that may help you be more successful this year. 

They Give You Their Comps

Within your notice of value you should have received a Comparable Sales Report giving you the specific properties the tax office used to determine the value of your home. I often hear of homeowners going to for their appointment without this information. They are showing you their hand and you should be able to use that information to help your argument. 

Removing A Comp May Be More Important

The reason why it’s important to know in advance their evidence is in my own experience demonstrating to the appraiser why a comp shouldn’t have been used gets me more bang for my buck than providing additional…

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What It Means And What It Doesn’t Mean

A newspaper article about realtors coming to a settlement about how Americans buy and sell homes.

By now I’m sure you’ve heard that the National Association of Realtors announced a proposed settlement to address the broker compensation lawsuits that have popped up across the country. The settlement has generated a lot of media attention and unfortunately a lot of what has been reported is misleading so I wanted to give an explanation of what has happened.

Before I even start, this is a proposed settlement that still needs court approval and none of the changes will go into effect until July at the earliest. However, I do expect it will be approved whether in this format or something similar and we are already putting systems into place to guide our clients through any possible changes and give you the…

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It’s always our goal to provide you with the best information so you can make the best decisions. There are 3 things I’ve noticed seniors are misunderstanding about taxes.

You Don’t Need To Buy Another Home To Avoid Capital Gains Tax

In the old days to avoid paying Capital Gains tax when you sold a home you needed to use your profit to buy another home. That’s no longer true.

The IRS code allows you to avoid paying tax on up to $500,000 per couple ($250,000 per person) if you have lived in the home for 2 of the previous 5 years. That means if a couple bought a home for $400,000 and sell it for $900,000 you wouldn’t owe any tax.

The best part is you don’t need to buy another home to take advantage of this loophole. For more information…

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Almost every day I get calls or have people attend our seminars thinking they can’t sell their house because of what they are hearing in the news. I assure you we are still helping people like you sell their homes and If what you are hearing has stopped you from making a move contact us to talk about your plans. Many people have benefited this year from scheduling a buying power and home improvement audit. I’ve found that even if what I tell them isn’t what they want to hear it allows them to make better decisions and move forward with their life. I’m not saying it’s easy but in the end our clients always say it’s worth it to move on to a better place.

Who Is Moving Right Now?

One of our recent clients were the original owner of their home. They…

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Sometimes I’ll hear someone saying they want a “hungry agent”. In reality hiring a hungry agent is your biggest risk in this market.

The number of homes in our area being listed and sold is down about 30%. Realtors are leaving the business left and right because there aren’t enough homes for everyone. If you’re looking for a hungry agent you will have a lot to choose from.

What you don’t realize is how much that will hurt you. When listing your home, the biggest risk you have is hiring someone who will tell you what you want to hear so you hire them. When an agent is that hungry you have to wonder if the advice they are giving is benefitting you or them.

I recently had a buyer’s agent on a sale tell me she personally needed that deal to…

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Lance Lambert, real estate editor at Fortune Magazine, called Austin the most interesting real estate market in America.

Prices went up like a rocket and came back to earth, but still up 43% since March 2020. Some people can’t get over missing out on timing the market. The truth is few people did because even those who sold at the top had to buy in the same market at the top.

If I told you in March 2020 your home would be worth 43% more in 3 years you would have been over the moon happy about that. If you’ve allowed yourself to get stuck because you missed out on the peak perhaps a change in perspective to thinking about how much better off you are than 3 years ago will help you get unstuck. Otherwise using 2021 and early 2022 as your baseline…

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