Found 2 blog entries tagged as property taxes.

A record number of real estate contracts were canceled in July.

This year we had 2 contracts terminated, but in both cases, the buyers came back around and we put the deal together. I suppose that was like getting divorced, finding out you can’t do any better, and then getting re-married to your ex.

I’m going to consider us undefeated this year. Don’t jinx us!

Why are so many contracts being canceled? There are several reasons…

1. Buyers are taking in more and more information and getting advice from their family and friends.

  • I heard a story from a home seller that their home was under contract. Then the buyers’ parents came to visit and told the buyers they shouldn’t buy the home. The buyers cancelled the contract.
  • Given all the…

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It’s only January and we are already seeing hand-wringing in our neighborhood about property taxes and the companies that will protest on your behalf. Protesting your property taxes in Williamson and Travis Counties will be even more challenging this year.

Just a reminder, if you engaged one of the tax protesting companies last year you probably signed a form giving them authorization to protest for you every year. That means if your plans are to protest on your own this year or you plan to hire a different company you will want to cancel the service with the company you previously hired. Otherwise they will protest on your behalf and you will get billed if they are successful.

Something new this year is at least one of the protesting…

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