Request A Pinpoint Price Analysis
Because Texas is a non-disclosure state for real estate sales data, online home valuation estimates such as Zillow are not accurate. Relying on an automated valuation will cause you to either underprice your home leaving money on the table or overprice your home resulting in painful home selling experience.
One of our free services is a Pinpoint Price Analysis, which gives you a precise range of pricing for your home based on its specific features and today’s actual market conditions. This analysis will be completed by Eric Peterson, a licensed Texas Real Estate Broker.
To get your personalized Pinpoint Price Analysis, fill in the information below.
*Your will receive a broker price opinion or a comparative market analysis and not an appraisal or opinion of value. In making any decision that relies on my work, you should know that I have not followed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation.
*Your information will never be shared with any third party.