Closing Details


Congratulations we are getting closer to your closing date and I wanted to send you some additional details.

Prior To Closing Details

  • The buyers will likely want to do a final walk through the day before or morning of closing.
  • Please have the home clean and free of personal items before the walk through.
  • Please have the lawn mowed within the week of closing.
  • We will remind the buyers to transfer utilities into their name. In case there are any delays we recommend waiting to disconnect utilities until after the sale is final. The contract requires utilities to be in your account until after closing. For example, if your closing is on August 5th please do not schedule utilities to be turned off on August 5th. The utility company may shut off the utilities early in the morning. If the buyer does a walk through the morning of closing and the utilities are shut off you may need to have them turned back on for the walk through.

At Closing

  • Please bring all keys that you have including mailbox keys and amenity center fob's. 
  • Please let us know how the buyer can find the mailbox for the home.
  • Please bring a current photo ID to closing.
  • If you would like the title company to send a wire transfer for your funds to your bank please bring a cancelled check to show the account and routing numbers. 
  • Your closing will take about 30 minutes to 1 hour. 
  • Often title company offices are cold so it’s recommended to bring a sweater.
  • Closing location: Austin Title Company | 9600 N. Mopac, Ste 125, Austin, TX 78759

After Closing

  • Provide your mortgage company with your forwarding address so they can send you the balance of your escrow account.
  • Turn off any auto debit accounts for your home.
  • Cancel your homeowners insurance.
  • Call to shut off utilities.

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