The Next Steps After Home Inspection
Congratulations, we have made it past the inspection period. Here are the next steps…
- If the buyer is obtaining a mortgage the mortgage company will arrange an appraisal of your home. We will let you know when the appraiser would like to do the home visit and the appraiser has access to the lockbox so you do not need to be home. The appraiser will likely need to enter your home to take some measurements and a few pictures and the visit will take about 30 minutes.
- I don’t expect the buyers will be at the home but it is possible. To make the best impression your home should be as show ready as possible.
- We will provide the appraiser with information about your home including recent comparable sales and upgrades and features special to your home.
- After the home visit it takes about 5 days for the appraisal report to be completed before we know the result.
- Going forward please remember to keep the utilities on until after closing.
- The requirements of the contract are the home should be delivered at closing in the same condition it was in at the time of the contract. In particular please be sure to continue watering the lawn so the grass does not die.
- If you have not sent back the Seller Pre-Closing form to the title company please do so. If you have not received this email please let us know.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the closing date before signing a contract.