The only real regret I have in my life is I wasn’t able to get my dad to move to Austin when he was healthy and we could have enjoyed our time together more. It wasn’t until after he had a stroke that I moved him down here to live in an assisted living facility.
Perhaps you spent Thanksgiving with relatives and wishing and maybe even talking about how you wished you lived closer. From my personal experience it’s a mistake not to do something about that as soon as possible.
From my experience there are 3 reasons that keep someone from moving here to be closer to family.
- Family isn’t communicating.
It might be the kids not telling their parents they would like them to live closer or maybe the parents don’t would like to move here but they don’t want to bother the kids.
Sometimes it can be a couple not communicating what they want with each other. Sometimes people will admit they want something to a stranger than their own family. I’ve talked with grandparents who said it wasn’t important to move here and then when Grandpa went to the restroom Grandma started to cry when she told me how bad she really wanted to be closer to her grandkids.
If you want your parents to move here tell them so and if you want to move here to be closer to family say that too before it’s too late.
- Afraid Austin is too expensive.
One of the aspects about Austin real estate being unaffordable is grandparents think they aren’t financially able to live closer to their grandkids.
There are still many parts of our area that are affordable. Chances are relatives don’t want to live right next door; they only want to live close enough to come for a birthday party without having to take a flight.
Many don’t ever get serious about looking, instead letting the years go by and homes have become more expensive. If someone is considering moving here it’s better to find out what the options are today than 2 years from now when homes will likely be more unaffordable.
- Waiting for the hometown market to recover.
There are a few people I’ve talked with for years about moving to Austin who are waiting for the real estate market to get better in their town before they sell their home and make a move.
In most cases the real estate market in their hometown hasn’t appreciated much at all. In the meantime in some cases homes in the area of Austin where they want to live have appreciated over $100,000.
A good part of our business is helping the parents of our friends move to the area. Often this process can take years and we have the patience to talk with someone about what their options may be even if they won’t be able to make a move today.
If you are watching this and would like our help to talk with someone in your family call or text me at (512) 791-7473 or send an email to eric@koparealestate.com.
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