Most of our friends and clients are pretty savvy and can sniff out when something sounds too good to be true. When a friend saw another Realtor’s advertisement guaranteeing multiple offers, he asked me how someone can do that and what’s the catch?

When you hear someone say they will get you multiple offers you probably imagine that means your home will sell for over asking price. What would you think if it really means you will get multiple low-ball offers below market value? I can’t tell what you would think, but when I explained what is really going to happen my friend felt like the advertising is misleading.

Guaranteeing multiple offers is pretty easy. In fact, any Realtor can guarantee you multiple offers.

Here’s how it works…

A Realtor can plug your address into one of the online I-Buyer companies that will give you a low-ball offer and in a matter of minutes you now have multiple offers for your home, all well below market value. In our market with appreciating home values you will likely leave a huge amount of money on the table accepting an offer like that.

Let me ask you a question…Is that what you thought when you hear a Realtor is guaranteeing you multiple offers? Few people will and few people will want to accept one of those offers if they understood the true value of their home.

Why would a Realtor advertise a guarantee like this if few homeowners would take them up on the offer?

The best explanation I can give you is it’s a similar tactic used by used car dealers. When you go to a used car dealer, they want you to stay there as long as it takes until you buy a car. They want to wear you down until you finally say to yourself you don’t want to go to another dealer and have to start the process all over again. Along the same lines a Realtor who offers a guarantee like this is hoping to get their phone to ring. Once they have you on the hook and you have spent time with them even if you feel misled you are likely to give in because you don’t want to start over again with another Realtor.

We know all this. We know how these things work and hopefully now you do, too. Why don’t we offer to guarantee you multiple offers if it would be good for our business? That’s a simple answer…we choose not to insult your intelligence. We know people like you hire us to give you the truth and straight talk. I’m confident that is what you want and I know it’s what is best for both of us.

Whenever you are ready to talk about your home call/text me directly at 512-791-7473  or email


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